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My breasts feel full, but there’s no milk when pumping—what do I do?

This is a common question among new breast pump users: if your breasts feel full but there's no milk when pumping, there are a few things you can try:

1. Make sure that your pump is properly assembled and that the flanges or breast shield cushion (the part of the pump that goes over your nipple) fit correctly. If the flanges are too small or too big, it can affect your milk flow.

2. Experiment with different settings and positions to find what works best for you in terms of comfort and milk flow.

3. Try massaging your breasts or using a warm compress before pumping to help encourage milk flow.

4. Make sure you are using the right strength suction or vacuum level.

5. Try pumping for a longer period of time or more frequently to help stimulate milk production.

6. If you still have trouble expressing milk after trying these tips, it may be helpful to speak with a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for additional guidance.

7. Take care of yourself, make sure you're getting enough rest, eating well and drinking enough water.

8. Don't be too hard on yourself, remember that every day is different, and your milk supply may fluctuate throughout the day or week.

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